Saturday, July 18, 2009

Okay, so for all of you who have the great fortune of reading my blog....welcome! (aka Candice...) Um....since I'm not quite sure how this works, I'll start out with a story...nah...just kidding. I'm drawing a blank. I wanted to write something funny and witty....but then I thought, "Self, no one is gonna read this blog...except maybe Candice...and she already knows how weird you are...." And then my self-esteem was deflated. :) And just in case you were wondering....I am kind of just searching for ways to fill in space. And this is exactly why I don't know if I'll keep up a blog...


  1. Don't judge me for my blogging addiction!

  2. Hey! That wasn't a comment on your blogging was a comment on the fact're the only one I know of that even knows my blog exists!
